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OPEN NOW!  Closes March 1.


SMSC TOTS PreSchool Programming

Tots Pre-School Programming - Information




SMSC offers several options for local business to get involved sponsoring a REC team.  Display your business name and help the kids have a great season !  SMSC is a 501 C3 and your contribution is tax deductible.

What is Involved in REC Soccer ?

  • Registration beings July 15th for the 2024-25 season
  • U5/U6  has two seasons - Fall and Spring with a Winter break.   Players must register for each season separately and new players are welcome in Spring.   Practice begins the week of October 7 for 5U/6U.   5U and 6U soccer is a co-ed program.
  • U7-U14  Practice begins the week of Oct 14 for 7U+.  Teams practice 1-2x per week.  Team coaches determine the evening of practice after team formation.
  • U14 Coastal League season will return to October-April.  Matches will be primarily on Saturday's.
  • For 7U+, Nike Shirt, shorts and socks are distributed approximately one week before the first game.  Separate Boys and Girls teams are formed at 7U.
  • 10-12 game league schedule with games on Saturday. Localized scheduling.   SMSC will be using the Playmetrics platform to improve schedule access to membership.  Teams will play primarily in their own county.
  • Games start late October - these will be training matches.
  • Winterfest - jamboree (Dec 7)
  • Great Day of Soccer  (TBA)
  • REC League Championships for u10-u14 March 8&9.
  • Closing for U7/8 is March 1.
  • Photo service - TBA
  • Coaching education & curriculum support from SMSC
  • Access to the REC ACADEMY in September (this is a separate registration)
  • Access to SMSC camps and the Elite Development Academy




2024-25 FEES


2008,2007,2006 19U (Spring) 7v7  $75  
2010 & 2009 16U (Spring) 7v7 $75  
2011 & 2012 14U $135  
2013 & 2014 12U Intro to EDL $275  
2013 & 2014 12U $135  
2015 & 2016 10U Intro to EDL $250  
2015 & 2016 10U $135  
2017  8U Intro to EDL $225  
2017 8U $110  
2018 7U Intro to EDL $225  
2018 7U $110  
2019 6U Intro to EDL $150  
2019 6U Fall $90  
2020 5U Intro to EDL $150  
2020 5U Fall $90  
2021 / Pre-K TOTS Fall  $65  

U5/U6 REC Academy $85; U7-U12 Rec Academy $135

*Fees have been approved for 2024-25


SMSC Fields REC teams in the following catchment areas with practice and play close to home!  You will be assigned a 'play area' when you register.  In the 2024-25 season, U5-U8 teams will play only in their own county.

Harrison County

  • Gulfport, Long Beach, Pass Christian, Orange Grove

Hancock County

  • East Rec Park in Diamondhead

Jackson County

  • Vancleave, Ocean Springs, St Martin, Moss Point, West Jackson, Gautier


Click on the image for more information about our 2021 REC Academy Program!

Heritage and Excellence Since 1978

The South Mississippi Soccer Club ("SMSC") is celebrating 38 years of existence here on the Gulf Coast. SMSC was established in 1978 as a full member of the Mississippi Soccer Association ("MSA") which was formed in 1974 with the United States Youth Soccer Association. In 1982, SMSC started the original Select Soccer Program in our area. The founding fathers of this program were volunteers. Examples of team names were "Coke United" and "Coke Express", after the local Coca Cola bottling company generously became a sponsor of the program. In 2012, SMSC merged with Biloxi’s Real Mississippi Select program to form the largest pool of soccer players on the Gulf Coast with a membership of over 2,000 players. Become a part of the soccer heritage in the most successful program on our Gulf Coast! We are SMSC!

Partnership with Harrison County and Gulfport

Since its beginning, SMSC has partnered with both the Harrison County Board of Supervisors and the City of Gulfport for soccer success. The City of Gulfport has resolved its "deepest appreciation and gratitude to SMSC and its continued support of SMSC as a community partner with the City for over 30 years and in SMSC’s future endeavors for the persistent provision of opportunities in the game of soccer in our area." The Harrison County Board of Supervisors has allowed SMSC to oversee the County Farm Soccer Complex and funded many programs and improvements throughout the years for soccer advancement. SMSC currently has over 2000 players from ages 4 to 18 and is the second largest soccer club in the state of Mississippi and the only club on the Gulf Coast offering recreations, all star and select soccer. With the continued support of the City of Gulfport and the Harrison County Board of Supervisors, SMSC will continue to prosper for generations to come.